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Question Topics
55 Questions- Is khums due on minimum required bank balances?
- What are the minimum ages for camels, goats, sheep, cows and others for sacrificing for Eid al-Adha?
- Is khums due on one’s savings account
- Is it permissible to use excess funds from Zakat al-Fitrah for other projects?
- Is it permissible to transfer khums to another country?
44 Questions- Is performing magic permissible?
- Is it permissible to use public wifi?
- Is permissible to mix and converse with the opposite sex?
- Is it permissible to attend non-Muslim gatherings?
- What is good advice for believers who get distracted by social media during religious gatherings?
End of Life Planning
19 Questions- Do Muslims have to establish their own cemetery in non-Muslim countries?
- Is brain death actually death?
- Should a burial will be executed if body transportation involves extensive procedures and burial delays?
- Is it Islamically appropriate to deny resuscitation and life-support?
- Are there special days to commemorate the deceased?
Family Life
24 Questions- Is it permissible to use a sperm bank?
- Is it obligatory to respect ones parents?
- Is DNA testing permissible?
- Is abortion permissible?
- What are the limits of disobedience to parents?
Following a Marja
4 Questions- What are the conditions for a Jurist representative?
- What role does the religious authority play in sociopolitical matters?
- Is it permissible to do taqlid (follow) more than one jurist?
- Can I choose a deceased marja to follow?
Food & Drink
34 Questions- Is it permissible to eat food from a restaurant owned by a non-Muslim?
- What are the rulings on offering a sacrifice?
- Is shrimp/prawn halal?
- Is stocking up on food and supplies at home permissible?
- Is it permissible to eat rennet in cheese?
Games & Entertainment
11 Questions- Is it permissible to play chess?
- Is it permissible to buy, sell, or play video games?
- What is “ghina?”
- is it permissible to buy, sell, and play games?
- Which shows are forbidden to watch?
Marriage & Divorce
56 Questions- Is it permissible to get married on the death anniversaries of the infallibles?
- Are women allowed to use birth control to delay their menstruation cycle?
- Is it permissible for a man to express interest in a woman during her idda?
- Do marital rights apply if the couple is not living together?
- Is it permissible for a man to look at a woman he wants to marry?
Medical Issues
12 Questions- Are autistic people obligated to pray?
- Is it permissible to get vaccinated with vaccines that contain pig components?
- Is it permissible to shower the disabled?
- is medical marijuana halal?
- Is it permissible to resort to scholars who use Quran for treatment?
Money Matters
45 Questions- Am I allowed to work in government bank in non-Muslim country?
- Is khums due on minimum required bank balances?
- What should believers do when their money has become mixed with unlawful money?
- What should believers do when their money has become mixed with unlawful money?
- Is it permissible to get life insurance?
Physical Purity
32 Questions- Should we consider a new home pure [tahir]?
- Is toilet paper sufficient to purify oneself?
- Should items in equipped rental properties be considered pure?
- Does the hand of a Muslim become impure if it touches the hand of a non-Muslim?
- Is it permissible to use hand sanitizers?
Ritual Purity
6 Questions- How far do I need to wipe my feet in wudhu?
- Is the menstruation shower required for a recommended (mustahab) fast?
- Do I need to perform ghusl if I’m uncertain about becoming in the state of janabah?
- Can I perform ghusl al-janabah and ghusl al-jummah together in one ghusl?
- Do I have to perform wudu after the Friday Ghusl (Ghusl al-Jumua)?
Vows, Covenants, & Oaths
3 Questions- Do I need to make up a broken vow?
- Does kaffarah need to paid if a vow is broken?
- Is my oath valid if I said it out of anger?
Women Issues
11 Questions- Are women allowed to use birth control to delay their menstruation cycle?
- Is it permissible to use tampons?
- Which blood is considered nifas?
- Are women allowed to wear pants?
- Is it permissible for women to become physicia?
22 Questions- Am I allowed to work in government bank in non-Muslim country?
- Is it permissible to work in a grocery store that sells wine?
- Is it permissible for an employee to work less than the required hours?
- Is it permissible for a female nurse to touch the bodies of men?
- Is it permissible to buy, sell, or play video games?
Popular Questions
- Is it permissible to eat food from a restaurant owned by a non-Muslim?
- What are the minimum ages for camels, goats, sheep, cows and others for sacrificing for Eid al-Adha?
- Is khums due on minimum required bank balances?
- Where does Ziyarah Waritha end?
- Am I allowed to work in government bank in non-Muslim country?