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It is impossible for Muslim men in the west to find a gym that is attended by men-only. Is it permissible to go to mixed gyms? What if there is no fear of sin?


If you are certain that you will not fall into sin, then it is permissible. This rule excludes mixed swimming pools, which are not permissible based on obligatory precaution, even if there is no fear of falling into sin.

  • permissibility
What is your question?

I usually pray salat al-jumuah (Friday congregational prayers) with our Sunni brothers at their mosque. When finished, should I individually offer dhuhr salat or will the salat al-jumuah be sufficient?


You need to perform dhuhr prayer.

  • prayers
What is your question?

If a person develops and writes some procedures to help train employees at their work, will these procedures be considered their or the company’s property? The company does not allow these documents to be shared with any outside individuals/entities. According to Islam, can the developer/writer of the procedures share it with outside individuals/entities anyway?


If the person has an agreement with the company that the latter takes ownership of the documents, then it is not permissible to share it if the company does not permit it (i.e. it would be against the agreement). On the other hand, if there is no agreement stipulating such terms and the employee is not breaking the rules of the company, the developer/writer can take ownership of the documents.

  • work
What is your question?

Which of the following mutual fund investment categories are permissible?

1. Financials
2. Utilities
3. Consumer Discretionary
4. Consumer Staples
5. Energy
6. Healthcare
7. Industrials
8. Technology
9. Telecom
10. Materials
11. Real Estate


In general, mutual fund investments are permissible, as long as they do not involve unlawful (haram) transactions such as usury or selling alcohol for example.

  • investments
  • permissibility
What is your question?

Balsamic vinegar contains wine vinegar, therefore, is it halal ?


It is halal. It is not a problem to consume it because it is not wine. Any liquor which becomes vinegar by itself, or by mixing it with vinegar or salt, becomes pure by a process called inqilab.

  • food
  • halal
What is your question?

I have been married for a few years. Although my wife and I have consummated our relationship, she continues to reject any further attempts at intimacy and says she is not in the mood. I unfortunately am finding it difficult to contain my sexual thoughts towards other women since my wife is not attracted to me. I am looking for guidance in this situation and honestly am not sure what to do. Are there any actions that could help me in this situation?


A wife should not deny her husband his conjugal rights without a valid reason (e.g. sickness). Thus, when a marriage has reached the aforementioned conditions the husband should seek remediation first by expressing his displeasure to his wife and determine the cause of this problem through open and reasonable communication. If he cannot solve the problem this way then he [and his wife] can consider counseling with a religious scholar or another suitable person. As far as sexual temptation is concerned, a person should certainly resort to prayers and supplications, moreover, fasting is an effective remedy. However, it should be realized that these are temporary approaches to control a natural urge, and thus, the long-term solution has to be resolution of the marital problems.

  • sex
What is your question?

Is it permissible for me to buy gifts for my non-Muslim relatives during Christmas or other such holidays?


It is alright to do so, there is no problem in it.

  • gifts
  • non muslim
What is your question?

There are not many Shia Muslims in the area where I live, so I often find myself praying in congregation with our Sunning brothers. Do I need to redo the prayer individually (later) after offering the prayer in congregation with them?


It is permissible to pray in their congregational prayer. However, you must perform the prayer with the intention of doing it individually/on your own (furada) and just follow the congregation in sequence. Thus, it is obligatory upon you to recite surat al-Fatiha and the other surah yourself in a low voice. As such, you do not need to repeat your prayer later.

  • congregation
  • prayers
What is your question?

Can a woman wear high heels? If so, when and how high can they be?


Wearing high heels is not prohibited in and of itself, nor is there any limitation or specification on the length. However, it is not permissible if it causes temptation for committing a sin by an onlooker, or if it is intended to draw the attention of non-mahram men.

  • clothing
  • permissibility
What is your question?

My husband goes to events where they serve alcohol (i.e. weddings, conferences, etc.). I don't go to those events because of the alcohol and he's supportive of my decision. However, my mother-in-law told me that although I'm trying to avoid one sin, I'm actually committing another by not being with my husband and not supporting him. I know we should listen to our parents, and then our husbands, but only if they don't conflict with religious doctrine/rules. Could you please explain the limits of listening to one’s parents or spouse, and clarify the rules of attending events where alcohol is served?


Any action that a person intends to embark upon should be examined in terms of its permissibility/prohibition with respect to Islam's rules and code of conduct. This practice must be strictly adhered to in every circumstance, even when people of personal influence (e.g. parents) advise them to engage in prohibited or reprehensible acts. The Holy Quran says, "We have advised the human being, "Be kind to your parents. Do not obey them if they force you to consider equal to Me things which you do not know are such" (29:8 - see also 31:15). If the parent advises or commands the child to do something prohibited then the latter should not obey him/her, yet, at the same time, the child should refrain from insulting or mistreating him/her (i.e. maintain respect). As far as the in-laws are concerned, it is an extension of kindness and compassion towards the spouse to treat them the same, but as per the supreme religious authority, it is not obligatory to obey them, and certainly not when they advise to a prohibited act.

As far as attending events or restaurants where alcoholic beverages are being served, it is best not to do so as a general rule. On the other hand, clearly that cannot always be insured in the West because Muslims are sometimes obliged to attend work or other events, or choose to go to restaurants where alcoholic beverages are being served. A Muslim is not necessarily [religiously] required to decline invitations to such events or refrain from attending, however, when there, it is prohibited to eat and drink at a table where alcoholic beverages are being served/consumed. Furthermore, it is prohibited based on obligatory precaution to [even] sit at a table where alcoholic beverages are being served/consumed. If alcoholic beverages are not being served/consumed at the table where the Muslim is sitting then there is no objection to sitting or eating/drinking there, and this rule applies to whether the person is attending a wedding or a restaurant.

  • alcohol
  • parents