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I have a question regarding sajdah. I have a small bag which contains some earth from Karbala in the form of dust. Is it permissible to do sajdah on this bag which contains dust from Karbala?


Sajdah must be performed on the dust itself, not the plastic bag. As long as you can gather that dust or mix it with some water and let it dry you can perform sajdah on it.

  • permissibility
  • prayer
  • sajdah
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Is it permissible for a woman to wear clothing that covers everything, except the face and hands, but the part of clothing on the arm (below the elbow) is tight fitting? It is quite difficult to have loose clothing on this area at all times (especially when moving the arms).


It is not permissible to be worn in front of non-Mahram men if it causes temptation. In general, it is not permissible to wear tight clothing such that the form of the body is evident, whether it results in temptation or not.

  • clothing
  • permissibility
  • women
What is your question?

Can I use a carpet cleaner to purify a carpet with najasah. I know there are companies like Stanely Steemers, that deep clean carpets using a hot water extraction method. So would this method be enough to make the carpets pure again?


To purify the carpet you can use the machine that sprays water on it and then sucks it out, however, you cannot use mixed water (such as water mixed with solution). After the first wash, you can then use soap or any solution to clean the carpet.

  • chemicals
  • home
  • najasat
What is your question?

What if the wudhu breaks during salat or during hajj due to a medical condition? Does that salat or hajj not count at all or is there a substitute? What if they cannot keep wudhu for longer than two or three minutes?


If the condition is ongoing and constant such that there is no way the person can complete an act of worship without their wudhu breaking, then their wudhu will suffice and their worship will be valid. If you can keep wudhu for two or three minutes you need to pray directly after wudhu. After prayer, if you break your wudhu you need to perform it again before the second prayer.

What is your question?

I recently heard from someone that it is makruh (detestable) to smoke marijuana and not haram. Is this correct?


Smoking marijuana is not permissible.

  • cigarettes
  • marijuana
  • permissibility
What is your question?

Is it makruh for two brothers to live next doors to each other or be business partners? If so, what’s the reasoning behind this?


We are not aware of such a ruling. Brotherhood and cooperation are highly recommended by Islam, especially among relatives.

  • business
  • family relations
What is your question?

Is it haram or makruh to wear the color black other than in Muharram?


To wear black is permissible, however, it is makruh.

  • permissibility
What is your question?

Is it permitted for a Shia Ithna A’shari woman to marry a man of the Bohra sect?


As long as a Muslim person declares and announces that they believe in oneness (tawheed), prophethood (nubuwwah – and seal of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh&hp)), and the day of judgment (maad) they should be considered a Muslim who fulfills the minimum requirements such that you are permitted to marry them, and so on. But, if they deny any one of the three main tenets mentioned above, for example, if they deny the prophethood of Muhammad (p) or deny that prophet Muhammad (p) is the last prophet then they will not be considered Muslim.

  • nikkah
  • permissibility
  • prenuptial
What is your question?

is it permissible to perform sajdah on a tissue paper? The manufacturer says its 100% cellulose.


If the paper tissue is made from a plant that is not edible by humans it is permissible to perform sajdah on it.

  • mustahab
  • prayer
  • sajdah
What is your question?

I used to be addicted to porn but I am now cured and continue recovery. However, there were times during my past sins when pre-semen discharge came out and I have strong doubts if some najis fell on the floor or may have gotten on some objects. I didn’t see it fall or go to the place but I have a strong feeling it may have happened. I did not wash it at that time and now I am very consumed with doubt. I heard that we should not judge impurity based on doubt but I feel so guilty of my past and keep thinking if I didn't sin, then the chances of things becoming impure would not happened. Can you please advise?


You should consider everything around you to be pure since you are not one hundred percent sure that it was contaminated with an impurity.

  • doubt
  • semen
  • sexual arousal
  • thinking