Is it permissible to resort to scholars who use Quran for treatment?

As Muslims, we have been warned about the evils of black magic. I’m a resident of South Asia, a place where black magic is extremely prevalent, from one’s own relatives most of the time unfortunately. As we know, there are a lot of scammers out there who manipulate in the name of our religion, so, one has to be cautious when we are seeking solutions and protection from evils such as black magic. Unfortunately, my family has been a black magic target and victim years ago. We found out about it through an Aalima who gave my mother a specific recitation from Quran, after doing that, we saw everything unravel and figured out who was behind the ill practice. We know that Quran and supplications from Ahl al-Bayt are the only reliable sources that provide protection and solutions to black magic (and other such ill practices). There is a scholar in our region who provides services for Muslims worldwide, they provide recitations from Quran to resolve different types of issues. They have also given harmless methods to find out the potential culprit behind such actions through kalaam. My question is, is there any issue in seeking help and guidance from such scholars or organizations who solely use Quran for treatment and guidance?

As long as the scholars are pious and reliable, and rely on the verses of the Holy Quran and supplications by Ahlulbayt (pbut), there is no problem.

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