Is khums liable on savings to build a house?

I have 2 hometowns at the moment:
1. The place of my birth (City A)- My parents stay here and I often visit them during occasions like Muharram, EID, weddings and otherwise as well.
2. The place where I am settled with my wife and kid (City B) – This is the place where I am permanently settled and own a house here.
I now wish to build my own house different house in City A, since it is small and we are 5 brothers and sisters who get together during the occasions mentioned above. Will khums be applicable to the money that I save for building this house, since it is my second house although a necessity and not an investment to increase my wealth per se?

1- If you chose city B to be your permanent hometown, where there is no possibility that you would ever go back and live in city A, then city A would not be regarded as your watan according to religious standards.
2- If owning a home in city A is necessary and befits your status according to common view (urf) such that if you do not own a home albeit gradually, you would be regarded as negligent towards your family, then your savings to acquire the home are not liable for Khums, otherwise Khums must be paid.

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