What Else Do Muslims Believe?
In addition to the main pillars of Islam, there are numerous details and elaborations within the Islamic Belief System, which include but are not limited to:
- Muslims believe in the Angels—the highest ranking in the Qur’an being Jibril (Gabriel).
- Muslims believe in life after death—namely, Resurrection. Muslims believe in the Day of Judgment when everyone will be called to reckon for their deeds before God.
- The lineage of mankind traces back to the creation of Prophet Adam (p) and his wife Eve who were created from clay.
- Islam affirms that piety or God-consciousness, known as Taqwa (Arabic: تقوى) is a standard that measures one’s virtue and rank in the eyes of God, not one’s gender, race, nationality, or skin color.
- Islam establishes that every human being is born sinless and that no child carries the burden of his or her ancestors’ sins. In the Holy Quran, God says, “No carrier shall carry the burden of others (35:18).”
The religion of Islam offers a wealth of knowledge and answers to mankind’s curiosity and deepest inquiries, especially with regards to the hereafter, Judgement Day, Paradise, Hellfire, and the realm of the unseen.
To read further about Islamic Beliefs, visit this link.