Thursday, April 6, 2022, marks the birth anniversary of Imam Hasan al-Mujtaba (p), the 15th of the month of Ramadan, 1444 A.H.

Imam al-Hasan al-Mujtabah (p) is reported to have said:
“Know that God did not create you without a purpose and He did not leave you in futility.”
[Al-Harrani, Tuhaf al-Uqul, p.232]

روي عن الإمام الحسن المجتبى (ع): 
“اعْلَمُوا أَنَّ اللَّهَ لَمْ يَخْلُقكُم عَبَثًا وَلَيْس بِتَارِكِكُمْ سُدًى”
[الحرّاني، تحف العقول، ص ٢٣٢]

For more information about Imam Hasan al-Mujtaba (p), click here.

(Click here to learn about varying dates for Islamic events.)

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