Wednesday, March 17th, 2021, marks the birth anniversary of Imam Hussain ibn Ali (p), 3rd of Shaban, 1442 A.H.

Narrations tell us that Imam Hussain (p) said,

“There are seventy good deeds for saluting [saying salam], sixty-nine are for the initiator and one for the replier.”

 [Al-Majlisi, Bihar al-anwar, vol. 75, p. 120]

روي عن الإمام الحسين (عليه السَّلام)

“لِلسّلامِ سَبعُونَ حَسَنَةً تِسع وَسِتُّونَ لِلمُبتَدِي وَواحِدَةٌ لِلرّادِّ”

[المجلسي، بحار الأنوار، ج ٧٥، ص ١٢٠]

 For more information about Imam Hussain ibn Ali (p), click here.

(Click here to learn about varying dates for Islamic events.)

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