Celebrating the Birth Anniversary of Imam Hussain (p) with Prominent Speakers
On Saturday, February 25, 2023, I.M.A.M. organized a special celebration for the birth anniversary of Imam Hussain (p) in Dearborn, Michigan with the presence of both Shia and Sunni communities, leaders, and clergy.
With their impactful presence, Imam Mohamed Magid, the Executive Imam of ADAMS Center, Sterling, Virginia, and Dr. Sayyid Sulayman Hassan, Imam of al-Asr Islamic Seminary, Alexandria, Virginia, enlightened the audience with their knowledge, experiences, and leadership.
By using numerous Quranic and Ahadith references, and in continuation of the SSAF effort, the guest speakers were able to promote the idea of the love of God, the Prophet, and his Progeny. They also spoke about how to bring all members of the community together around a single table and under a single roof to prevent segregation of all forms and seek unity. The speakers answered challenging questions from the audience and exemplified great wisdom.
The session also witnessed participation from audience members including young minds of the al-Murtada youth seminary. In the end, on behalf of I.M.A.M., Sayyid M.B. Kashmiri presented both keynote speakers with Awards of Appreciation.
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