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Is it permissible for a woman to get full-body hair removal done by another woman if it means that she would likely see the private parts in the process?


Laser hair removal is permissible in and of itself if it does not entail any severe harm. However, exposing the private parts in front of another woman is impermissible unless it (i.e. laser hair removal) becomes necessary such that not doing it would impose an unbearable hardship.

  • hair
  • permissibility
What is your question?

My wife and I are non-Muslims, but we are hosting a female Muslim exchange student. Is it permissible for me (a non-mahram male) to drive the student to school or to the grocery store without my wife present? There are situations where this is almost impossible to avoid.


It is permissible as long as you both are immune from committing a religiously unlawful act such as gazing or speaking with lust, otherwise it is impermissible.

  • non muslim
  • permissibility
  • student
What is your question?

I know someone who makes money through gambling on football games? He has made good money over a few weeks, is the money haram or halal?


Gambling and betting are unlawful (haram) and similarly the earnings that result from them are also haram.

  • money
What is your question?

Is it permissible to spend the sahm as-sadah portion of khums on an orphan who is a sayyid?


Yes, it is permissible to spend on the needs of the sayyid orphan from sahm as-sadah.

  • khums
What is your question?

I live in the U.S., can I use the sahm as-sadah portion of my khums to pay for the education expenses for my younger cousins in Pakistan who may not be able to afford it otherwise? They are all sadah.

Also, if I wanted to pay for the education of non-sadah children who are not related to me, can I use khums for that?


Sahm as-sadah can be given to one’s sayyid relatives as long as they are poor, however, based on obligatory precaution they should not be given khums in excess of their yearly expenses. To pay for the educational expenses of non-sayyid children using khums (i.e. sahm al-Imam) requires the permission of the marj’a or his representative.

  • khums
What is your question?

I am a 19 year-old male. 1) I was curious as to what temporary marriage is and how I am supposed to utilize it? 2) Upon learning that masturbation was haram I ceased doing it, and got my sexual urges under control. So am I now eligible to perform a temporary marriage despite having brought my sexual urges into control? 3) If I meet a female of ahlul-kitab and wish to start a relationship with her, is temporary marriage the most halal way to go about it?


1) Temporary marriage is a form of marriage that has a set of conditions which are mentioned in detail in the Islamic laws by the Marja that you emulate.

2) Yes, you can marry on a temporary basis as long as you fulfill the conditions.

3) Yes, it is permissible, provided that you do not have a Muslim wife.

View this link to know the details of temporary marriage conditions,

  • temporary marriage
What is your question?

1. Is organ donation during life and after death allowed? If yes, what are the restrictions?

2. When is a person considered dead?

3. How is brain-death defined?


1. It is permissible during life if it does not harm (e.g. like donating a kidney) the donor, but it is not permissible if it causes harm (e.g. like donating an eye). It is permissible after death only if the Muslim donor directed it in their will and the life of a Muslim depends on it, otherwise (i.e. the latter condition does not exist), there is a problem (ishkal) in fulfilling that directive of the deceased (i.e. performing the donation).

2. If the person’s heart is still beating even if they are “brain-dead”, they are not considered dead according to the religious rulings. Thus, death according to Islam is when the heart stops beating.

3. This is a medical term, hence you should refer to the experts in the medical field for a clear definition.

  • brain dead
  • death
  • organ donor
What is your question?

If you have doubt that a food has oyster sauce in it can you still eat it? Is there an obligation to ask about it? Is oyster sauce is najis because it is haram?


If it is merely the sauce and does not contain any unlawful ingredients, it is permissible to consume, and when in doubt it is also considered permissible and investigating is not required.

  • food
  • najis
  • oysters
  • permissibility
What is your question?

If I take a loan and start a business. If there is leftover material for the business that is bought using that money, will I need to pay khums on that material at the annual khums date?


The money that you used to purchase the business material is subject to khums and so is the leftover.

  • khums
  • loan
  • work
What is your question?

Is it permissible to donate to a church, or another place of worship?


If your donation contributes to the promotion of false beliefs it is not permissible.

  • money
  • permissibility