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Is it permissable to perform ghusl tartibi (sequential) in the bathtub by filling it with water and sequentially washing according to the rules?


Yes, it is permissible

  • ghusl
  • permissibility
What is your question?

Is it permissible to study law in the US and then work as a lawyer? Is the money I make as a lawyer in the US halal?


There is no problem in studying law. As for working as a lawyer, if it does not involve a violation of anyone’s legitimate rights, and does not involve lying, or any other forbidden act, it is permissible, otherwise, it is not permissible.

  • permissibility
  • work
What is your question?

I am confused as to why Muslims are prohibited from drinking alcohol when it says in Chapter 4:43 that it is allowed but that a person cannot pray [while intoxicated]. However, then in Chapter 5:90 it states that alcohol is an abomination from the acts of Satan.


Divine laws were legislated and expounded through the Holy Quran and the words and actions of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh&hp) in a gradual form. Therefore, the verse that prohibited approach to or engagement in prayer while intoxicated was revealed first as a preliminary procedure to prepare the Muslims for the absolute prohibition of intoxicating beverages which was revealed in a later verse.

  • alcohol
What is your question?

Is my prayer invalid if there are dog hairs on my clothes?


Yes, prayer in clothing with dog hair on it is not valid because dogs are impure (najis); every part of the dog is impure, including the hair.

  • dogs
  • prayers
  • validity
What is your question?

The city where I live has a small Muslim community but it's not active at all. For that reason, I have started my own nonprofit organization for charity and community service. Each month I assist a different population (e.g. homeless, children in crisis) to help them out by giving them gifts, and whatever they lack. The purpose of this organization is to do charity, and also to motivate the youth of our Muslim community to get more involved, which will paint a better picture about Muslims. I have received criticism from my own Shia community saying that this is not sadaqah and it does not count, it is very discouraging because I am trying my best to help people and motivate others to join and make a difference. I would like to know if what I am doing is right and is it true that this wouldn't count as sadaqah even though I am not getting any personal gain.


First, we would like to thank you for all that you are doing and offering to your community, may God bless you. Your charitable work definitely counts as sadaqah, and only God will [adequately] reward you and compensate it.

  • sadaqa
What is your question?

I like to know if we are required to pay Khums on contributions made to 401k since it’s not mandatory. In the US with most corporations, employer matches contribution to 401k retirement funds. The funds are not accessible unless one pays penalties and required taxes.

If I am required to pay Khums on my contribution, do I consider post-penalty/tax? What if I do not have enough money on hand to pay khums for contributions made to 401K during the year?


Many companies create savings accounts or funds called 401-K plans for their employees. These plans are often optional and allow the employee to deduct a certain percent (e.g. 3%) from their monthly salary to save in this fund. The company subsequently matches the employee’s percent contribution with an equal amount deposited into the fund for the employee’s well-being. As a result, the employee owns the total fund (i.e. their contribution and the company’s matched amount). The period of these contributions and savings extends until the employee reaches retirement age, and thereafter retires and receives it, or they obtain it upon resignation from the company. Profits and/or losses can also accrue on these funds given the company invests it [on behalf of the employee].

In such circumstances, there are three types of money related to these funds:
1) The money the employee has contributed [from their salary]
2) Money contributed by the company or organization for the benefit of the employee
3) Money accrued from the profits/benefits of investing the fund

The rulings of khums for these types of money are as follows:
1) As for the first type of money, if the deduction from the salary [and contribution to the 401K] is with the approval and agreement of the employee then khums is due upon it on their yearly khums due date. However, if this is carried out without their assent then khums is not due on it until their yearly khums due date after they take possession of the money. In either case, khums is only liable on what remains of the money (i.e. unspent) on the yearly due date after expenditures as per the rules of khums.
2) As for the second type of money, the employee does not own it (i.e. it is not theirs) or the profits earned from it until they have taken possession of it. Therefore, khums is not liable on it until the employee’s yearly khums due date after they have taken possession of the money. In any case, khums is only liable on what remains of the money on the yearly due date after expenditures as per the rules of khums.
3) As for the third type of money, if the investment occurred with the employee’s approval then they only own the profits that resulted from their [actual] salary and not those that accrued from the company’s matched contributions. In such a case, khums is due on the profits from the salary contributions when the employee is able to take possession of them. As for the profits from the company’s contributions, the employee does not own it until they have actually taken possession of the final amount.

There is no difference between governmental and non-governmental entities in these matters. As far as penalty or tax is concerned, if there is no set yearly khums due date, then the person can determine the khums after deducting the penalty or tax from the 401K retirement fund amount. Furthermore, if you do not have enough money on hand to pay the khums due upon your 401K retirements funds, then you can contact the representative of the supreme religious authority to make arrangements for reasonable payment (i.e. by installment).

  • 401K
  • khums
What is your question?

Could you please tell me the limitations for a menstruating woman related to visiting all the holy places in Iraq? I know I cannot pray, but can I go inside Imam Ali (p), Imam Hussain (p), and Abbas’ (p) shrines? Can I go the Mosque of Kufa?


It is not permissible for a menstruating woman to enter mosques, this includes the shrines of the Infallibles (p) based on obligatory precaution (the area under the honorable dome). However, it is not prohibited to stay in the courtyard or hallways around the holy shrine, even though it is better to not stay there as well based on recommended precaution.

  • holy shrines
  • menstruation
  • permissibility
What is your question?

Is it permissible for a woman who has a chronic illness and cannot take other forms of birth control contraceptives (because of her chronic condition) to undergo tubal ligation/sterilization? The medical treatment for the chronic illness is known to cause birth defects if she becomes pregnant.


Tubal ligation in and of itself is permissible, however, exposing the private parts in front of the specialist is impermissible. If it becomes necessary to undergo tubal ligation because not doing so would impose severe and unbearable hardship, then it is permissible.

  • medical condition
  • permissibility
What is your question?

I am currently a medical student and I do not have an income. I pay for my housing and food with loans from my university. If I have leftover money at the end of the year, do I need to pay khums on it?


Yes, you should pay khums if you have leftover at the end of the khums year.

  • khums
  • student loans
What is your question?

Is adoption permissible in Islam?


There are two types of adoption:

1) To claim a child as your own and register him/her legally in your name. This is considered forgery and it is prohibited in Islam.

2) To take full care of a child (sponsorship) by raising them and providing for them, and even though the child is treated as your own and registered legally as such, making sure to inform them through suitable means that they are not your biological child, and preserving and upholding non-mahram rules when the child reaches bulugh (religious puberty/maturity). This type is permissible, rather it is highly rewarded by God.

  • adoption
  • permissibility