Food & Drink

Is it permissible to eat food from a restaurant owned by a non-Muslim?

Is it permissible to eat food from a restaurant owned by a non-Muslim?It is permissible to eat food other than...

What are the rulings on offering a sacrifice?

Since it is common for many people to offer annual [animal] sacrifices on Eid al-Adha, what are the rulings on...

Is shrimp/prawn halal?

Is it halal/permissible to eat prawn? Yes, it is permissible.

Is stocking up on food and supplies at home permissible?

Is it against the rules of Islam to stock up on supplies and food? Reasonable stocking up on food and...

Is it permissible to eat rennet in cheese?

Is it permissible to eat rennet (enzymes) that is used in making cheese? If you know that the enzymes are...