Ritual Purity

How far do I need to wipe my feet in wudhu?

When I perform Wudhu, when wiping my feet, I usually did not go wipe the way up to the joint...

Is the menstruation shower required for a recommended (mustahab) fast?

Is the menstruation shower required for a recommended (mustahab) fast?For a recommended fast a woman does not have to be...

Do I need to perform ghusl if I’m uncertain about becoming in the state of janabah?

I was intimate with my wife and some but not all of the characteristics that semen had come out were...

Can I perform ghusl al-janabah and ghusl al-jummah together in one ghusl?

Can I perform ghusl al-janabah and ghusl al-jummah together in one ghusl or do I have to perform two separate...

Do I have to perform wudu after the Friday Ghusl (Ghusl al-Jumua)?

What does it mean when Sayyid Sistani says, “Wajib or Mustahab ghusl like ghusl-e Jum’ah is sufficient for Wudhu.” Every...