Money Matters

Am I allowed to work in government bank in non-Muslim country?

Am I allowed to work in government bank in non-Muslim country (India) in usury related jobs like cashier officer?If your...

Is khums due on minimum required bank balances?

As you know in western bank accounts, there is now a requirement to keep a certain amount of money in...

What should believers do when their money has become mixed with unlawful money?

Some believers work in several different fields, and sometimes they notice that part of their money, albeit a little, has...

What should believers do when their money has become mixed with unlawful money?

Some believers work in several different fields, and sometimes they notice that part of their money, albeit a little, has...

Is it permissible to get life insurance?

What is the Islamic perspective on life insurance? Do we consider it as a guarantee, a conditional gift, or a...