On which days is fasting recommended?

What are the days on which fasting is recommended?

Fasting is one of the highly recommended acts, and it has been reported that it is a haven from the hellfire and a purification for the body. Moreover, the sleep of a fasting person is [a form of] worship, their breaths and silence are a [form of] glorification, their deeds are accepted, and their supplications are answered. There are many days on which fasting is recommended, most importantly, fasting three days every month (the best method is to fast the first and the last Thursdays and the Wednesday that falls in the second ten days of the [lunar] month. It is also recommended every Thursday and Friday (if they do not coincide with one of the two Eids [al-Adha & al-Fitr]), the day of Arafah, Eid al-Ghadeer (for its reward is equivalent to a hundred pilgrimages and a hundred Umrahs that are accepted by God), the day of Mubahalah, the first, third, and seventh of Muharram, the birthday of the Prophet (pbuh&hp), the day of Maba’th, and the entire months of Rajab and Shaban.

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