Is it permissible to buy, sell, or play video games?

Electronic games have become more popular and accessible nowadays and children, adolescents, and youth are very attached to them. So, what is the ruling on playing them or even buying and selling them? What is the role of parents in this regard?

It is permissible per se, as long as the games do not involve gambling and do not entail listening to unlawful music, watching anything that violates chastity [such as images of indecency], or leads to unlawful practices. These games must be avoided if addiction to them results in the neglect of one’s religious obligations, such as performing the obligatory daily prayers at their prescribed times, or if it entails a serious impact on the psychological well-being of the person. Parents should be concerned with the proper religious upbringing of their children and keep them away from everything that is contrary to this, like enjoining evil and forbidding what is good, promoting destructive ideas and lewd images that provoke satanic desires, and everything that causes them intellectual and moral decadence.

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