What are Sunnah and Hadith?

What are Sunnah and Hadith?

In each respective era, the prophet sent by God serves as a role model to follow, as is the case with God’s final and greatest messenger Prophet Muhammad (pbuh&hp). God emphasizes this by saying, 

“Indeed, you have an excellent example in the Messenger of God (Prophet Muhammad); for anyone who seeks God and the Last Day, and remembers God frequently (33:21).”

As instructed by God, Prophet Muhammad (pbuh&hp) taught his companions in that they should follow him as a role model. Historical reports narrate detailed information about the Holy Prophet, such as:

  • His words: responses to others, answers to questions, comments, and any verbal statement. This is better known as Hadith (Arabic: حَديْث), plural: Ahadith (Arabic: أَحاديْث).
  • His actions: how he conducted himself, the stances he took, and so forth. Even his silences carried implications—such as acceptance of a matter, depending on the context.

That which history documented from the Prophet, in his words and actions, forms what is called, the ‘Sunnah’.