Saturday, April 23rd, 2022, marks the martyrdom anniversary of Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib (p), 21st of the Month of Ramadan, 1443 A.H.

Imam Ali (p) is reported to have said:

“Avarice, arrogance, and envy are motives for falling into sin.” 

[ Al-Radhi, Nahj al-balagha, wisdom 360]

روي عن الإمام علي (ع):

 “الحِرصُ والكِبرُ والحَسَدُ دَواعٍ إلَى التَّقحُّمِ في الذُّنوبِ”

[الرضي، نهج البلاغة، حكمة ٣٧١]

 For more information about Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib (p), click here.

(Click here to learn about varying dates for Islamic events.)

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