The end of Dhul al-Qidah marks the martyrdom anniversary of Imam Muhammad al-Jawad (p).

Imam Muhammad al-Jawad (p) is reported to have said: “Four merits aid a person to perform [good] deeds: health, wealth, knowledge, and successfulness [from God, i.e., preserving the deeds that yield special help from God].”

[Al-Majlisi, Bihar al-anwar, vol. 75, p. 79.]

روي عن الإمام محمد الجواد (ع): “أربع خصال تعين المرء على العمل: الصحة، والغنى،  والعلم، والتوفيق”
[المجلسي، بحار الأنوار، ج ٧٥، ص ٧٩]

For more information on Imam Muhammad al-Jawad (p), click here.

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