Thursday, April 12th, 2018 marks the martyrdom anniversary of Imam Musa al-Kadhim (p), 25th of…
Martyrdom Anniversary of Imam Musa al-Kadhim (p) 1446 A.H.

Sunday, January 26th, 2025, is the 25th of Rajab 1446 A.H. which marks the martyrdom anniversary of Imam Musa al-Kadhim (p).
Life in Prostration
In the quiet stillness of the night, when most of the world was fast asleep, Imam Musa al-Kadhim (p) would rise. Known as Abd Salih, the Righteous Servant, his heart was drawn to the worship of God in a way that surpassed all others. His nights were spent in long, sincere prostrations.
One night, the Imam (p) entered the mosque of the Messenger of God (pbuh&hp). As the stars shone in the dark sky, he began a heartfelt sajdah, lowering himself to the ground in humility before his Creator. His words echoed softly in the mosque, ”The evil sin is committed by your servant, so let the grace of forgiveness and pardon flow from You.”1 Over and over, he whispered this supplication. Hours passed, yet he remained in the same position until the first rays of dawn began to illuminate the horizon.2
The depth of his worship earned him admiration even from those who observed him from afar. Yahya Ibn Hasan once remarked, “Musa Ibn Jafar was called Abd Salih because of his resolution in worship.”3 And indeed, his devotion knew no bounds.
Even in the darkness of prison, Imam Musa al-Kadhim (p) continued his life of prayer and remembrance. The sister of Sandi Ibn Shahak, a guard assigned to watch him, was struck by the Imam’s daily routine. Each evening, he would begin his supplications after the evening prayer and continue until midnight. Then, he performed the night prayer, remaining in prayer and remembrance until the call for morning Prayer. After completing his morning worship, he would sit in silent supplication, the name of God on his lips, until the sun rose high in the sky.
She watched as he broke his fast with a simple meal, brushed his teeth, and rested briefly before the next wave of prayers began. At noon, he would rise, perform his ablution, and offer the noon prayer, followed by additional supplications until the afternoon prayer. The Imam’s every moment was filled with connection to God, and her heart ached as she said, “The people who mistreat such a pious servant of God will be losers.”4
Others too bore witness to his extraordinary worship. Fadl Ibn Rabi’ once invited someone to look at the Imam (p) through a window. At first glance, it seemed like a garment was lying on the ground. But as they looked closer, they realized it was the Imam (p), deep in prostration. Fazl shared, “I watch him day and night and find him only in this state.”5
His supplications were simple but profound, each word infused with the weight of a heart wholly surrendered to God. He would say, “O God! I ask You to give me spare time for Your worship, and if You do it, I will praise You,” he was heard saying during his long sajdahs. The tears that flowed from his eyes often soaked his beard, a testament to his awe of Allah’s greatness.
Imam Musa al-Kadhim (p) once revealed a glimpse into his own practices, saying, “I say ‘astaghfirullah’ (I seek God’s forgiveness) five thousand times a day.”6 For him, worship was not a burden but a source of solace, a way to draw nearer to the One he adored.
Imam Musa al-Kadhim (a.s.) taught the world the true meaning of submission, humility, and reliance on God. His worship was not just an act; it was a way of life, a beacon for those seeking closeness to their Creator.
1. Shaykh al-Tabrasi, Ilam al-Wara Bi-A’lam al-Huda, vol. 2, pg. 25.
2. The divinely appointed imams(pbut) are infallible; therefore, such expressions can be seen as a manifestation of humility before God.
3. Al-Dhahabi, Tarikh al-Islam, vol. 12, pg. 418.
4. Ibn Al-Athir, Al-Kamil Fi al-Tarikh, vol. 6, pg. 164.
5. Shaykh al-Sadouq, Oyoon Akhbar al-Ridha (p), vol. 2, pg. 98.
6. Al-Husayn ibn Sa’id, Al-Kufi,Kitab al-Zuhd, pg. 74.
For more information about Imam Musa al-Kadhim (p), click here.
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