Friday, May 15th, 2020, marks the martyrdom anniversary of Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib (p), 21st of the month of Ramadan, 1441 A.H.

Imam Ali (p) is reported to have said: “I do not see a servant [of God] ever having piety that benefits him until he guards his tongue.”

[Al-Radhi, Nahjul balagha, sermon 176]

روي عن الإمام علي (ع): ما أرى عَبدا يَتَّقي تَقوىً تَنفَعُهُ حتّى يَخزِنَ لِسانَهُ

[ الرضي، نهج البلاغة، خطبة ١٧٦]

For more information on Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib (p), click here.