Martyrdom Anniversary of Sayyida Fatimah al-Zahra (p)
January 19, 2019
Sunday, January 20th, 2019 marks the martyrdom anniversary of
Sayyida Fatimah al-Zahra (p) according to the second narration, 13th of Jumada al-Awwal, 1440, A.H.
Sayyida Fatimah (p) is reported to have said in her Fadak sermon,
“[God] made belief a purification for you from polytheism; prayer, a cleansing from arrogance; charity, a purification for the soul and a [cause of] growth in livelihood; fasting, a firmness for devotion; pilgrimage (Hajj), a [foundation] of religion and justice a harmony for the hearts.”
[Shaykh al-Tabrasy, al-ihtijaj, vol 1, p. 134]
جاء في الخطبة الفدكية عن الصديقة الكبرى فاطمة (ع) : فجعل الله الايمان تطهيرا لكم من الشرك، والصلاة تنزيها لكم عن الكبر، والزكاة تزكية للنفس، ونماء في الرزق، والصيام تثبيتا للإخلاص، والحج تشييدا للدين، والعدل تنسيقا للقلوب.
[الشيخ الطبرسي, الإحتجاج, ج 1, ص 134]
For more information about Sayyida Fatimah al-Zahra (p) click here.