For Muharram al-Haram, 1438 A.H.

For each group of people, there are caretakers and leaders who are hoped to be among those who are described as people “of strength and insight.” They are the ones who represent the nucleus of social activism through their great efforts, adamant activism and unique devotion to the Shi’a school of thought and the faithful – especially during the season of Imam Husayn’s (as) commemoration. They carry the heavier load in establishing the gatherings, managing them and helping to make them successful. Therefore, the sincere and successful among them have never ceased to be attentive to important matters:

They are open to all people. For indeed, the revolution of Imam Husayn (as) is the revolution of God’s Messenger (s). For he (s) said, “Husayn is from me and I am from Husayn.” This means that the message and the giving is for all without exception. The Messenger (s) and his family (as) were not limited to a particular nationality, language, group, or family. But rather, as God has said, “We did not send you except as a mercy to all the worlds.” That is why the gatherings and services should be open to everyone in order to make the voice of Imam Husayn (as) reach the largest number of people this season – in order that they may gain from his guidance and sacrifice.

In addition to catering to the general audience, the caretakers give importance to specifying the appropriate times and venues that are suitable for women, youth, and children as naturally it is important to increase the awareness of mothers, educators and women in general. It is also equally as necessary to attract the youth and children and have them invest this period of their lives in learning and building their system of belief and knowledge.

The caretakers take advantage of the large presence of crowds by drawing attention to the beneficial services and useful suggestions that the religious and charitable groups have to offer throughout the year. For example, religious education and majlis programs, as well as various other programs which are important to mention. It is also important to discuss projects, services and programs in areas in which we must invest, areas which help our societies advance – that is if we were interested in being a successful society – just as other developed societies that have advanced before us, for instance, with issues in the areas of civil rights; voting, especially at the regional level; and voting for school boards, city councils and others.

We continue to ask Allah (swt) for success in performing good deeds. Be sure to read the final Announcement in this series: Pertaining to the crowds of believers.
