Statement issued by the Office of His Eminence (may God bless him and grant him peace) Regarding the Occupation Army Committing a New Massacre in the Gaza Strip

In the name of God, Most Beneficent, Most Merciful

Once again, the occupation army committed a major massacre in the Gaza Strip by targeting displaced people who were sheltering (in al-Tabaeen School), which led to the death and injury of a large number of innocent civilians, in yet another horrific crime added to its existing violations that have been continuing for more than ten months.

In the recent period, it has perpetrated treacherous assassinations targeting prominent leaders in the resistance to the occupation and caused the martyrdom of a number of them. Moreover, it has violated the sovereignty of a number of countries in the region, and thus, increased the risk of major clashes occurring there, which could result, God forbid, in catastrophic consequences for various countries and peoples of this region.

Words cannot sufficiently condemn these heinous crimes committed by monsters in human form who are devoid of all human values and lofty principles. It is unfortunate that they continue to benefit from unlimited support from a number of major countries that prevent international laws from prosecuting and being applied to those who commit crimes against humanity.

We call on the world – once again – to stand up to this terrible brutality and prevent the occupation forces from continuing to implement their plans to inflict more harm on the oppressed Palestinian people. We also call on Muslims in particular to unite and jointly pressure for the stoppage of the war of genocide in precious Gaza and for the provision of more aid to its dear people.

There is no power or strength except in God, Most High, Most Great.

Office of Sayyid al-Sistani (may his life be preserved) –

Najaf al-Ashraf

5 Safar 1446 AH/10 August 2024 


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