What Should I Do? – Eid al-Adha Sacrifice
Hasan wishes to sacrifice an animal on the day of Eid al-Adha but cannot afford to do so by himself. Is it permissible for Hasan and his other siblings to purchase a sheep together and sacrifice it?
I. Details about the situation
Hasan wishes to sacrifice an animal on the day of Eid al-Adha but cannot afford to do so by himself so his other siblings suggest contributing some of their money so they all can purchase a sheep to sacrifice it on the day of Eid. Is this permissible?
II. Background
Sacrificing an animal on the day of Eid al-Adha for those who are not performing a pilgrimage is not obligatory; rather it is recommended (mustahab), and therefore there is no problem in partnering with others to purchase an animal and sacrifice it.
III. Ruling
It is permissible to partner with others to sacrifice an animal on the day of Eid al-Adha for those who are not performing Hajj.
IV. Action
Hasan should collect the money from his siblings and whoever wishes to partner with them in purchasing the animal to sacrifice it for the sake of nearness to God Glorified and Exalted. After slaughtering the animal, Hasan is advised to give a third of it to whomever he wishes, as long as they are from the believers, give another third to the poor believers, and enjoy the final third with his family.
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