Wednesday, March 28th, 2018 marks the birth anniversary of Imam Muhammad al-Jawad, al-Taqi (p), 10th…
Birth Anniversary of Imam Muhammad al-Jawad (p), 1446 A.H.

Saturday, January 11th, 2025, is the 10th of Rajab 1446 A.H. which marks the birth anniversary of Imam Muhammad al-Jawad (p)
The Child Who Stunned the Ruler
During the caliph Mamun’s reign, a remarkable encounter took place with a young boy—just nine years old—who radiated knowledge beyond his years. One day, Mamun went out hunting and passed by a group of children at play. Startled by the soldiers, the children ran away, all except for the calm young Imam (p). Seeing his composure, Mamun stopped his carriage and asked: “Young man, why did you not run away like the other children?”
The child answered with confidence, “Neither had I committed a crime, nor was I blocking the way. Why should I have run away or be afraid? And I also know that you will not cause any unnecessary trouble when your way is not blocked.”
Surprised by such maturity, Mamun inquired, “What is your name?”
The boy replied, “Muhammad,” and upon further questioning revealed he was “Son of ‘Ali ibn Musa (p).”
On that same hunt, Mamun’s hawk brought him a fish instead of its usual prey. Intrigued, Mamun returned to find the children still playing, all fleeing again except the young Imam (p). Hiding the fish in his fist, Mamun tested the boy,“Tell me, what is there in my fist?” he asked.
The young Imam (p) answered, “God created clouds between earth and sky. The hawks of kings sometimes catch fish from there and bring it to the kings. They hide it in their fist and ask a member of the Ahl al-Bayt of the Prophet (pbuh&hp), ‘Tell me what is there in my fist.’”
Awestruck, Mamun declared, “Truly, you are the worthy son of Imam ‘Ali al-Rida’ (p).”
This meeting with the young Imam Muhammad al-Jawad (p) showed his exceptional wisdom and insight, even at such a young age. His calmness and knowledge amazed everyone, earning their respect and admiration. It reminds us of the guidance and wisdom of the Prophet’s family (pbuh&hp), inspiring us to seek knowledge, stand for truth, and stay strong in our faith.
(Ibn al-Sabbagh, al-Fusul al-Muhimmeh, vol. 2, pg. 1040)
For more information on Imam Muhammad al-Jawad (p), click here.
(Click here to learn about varying dates for Islamic events.)
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