Friday, February 14th, 2025, is the 15th of Shaban which marks the birth anniversary of Imam Muhammad al-Mahdi (p)

Understanding Imam Mahdi (p) and Our Role in His Mission

As Muslims, we must know and follow the imam of our time, Imam Mahdi (p). The Holy Prophet (pbuh&hp) is reported to have said, “One who dies but does not know the imam of his time has died on the religion of ignorance.”1

Who is Imam al-Mahdi (p)?

Imam Mahdi (p), according to many reports, was born on the 15th of Shaban 255 AH/869 CE in Samarra, Iraq, and is the son of Imam Hasan ibn Ali Al-Askari (p), the 11th Imam. At the age of five, he entered into occultation after the passing of his father on 8 Rabi al-Awwal. His occultation began with a minor phase lasting approximately seventy years, followed by the major occultation “which continues till today and whose duration is known only to God.

Imam Mahdi (p) is known by several titles2, each reflecting his grand stature:

  • Al-Mahdi: The One Guided by God
  • Al-Hujjat ibn al-Hasan: The Proof who is the son of Imam Hasan (p)
  • Sahib uz-Zaman: The Owner of the Time
  • Al-Muntadhar: The Awaited One
  • Al-Muntaqim: The Avenger
  • Al-Maw’ud: The Promised One
  • Khatam al-Awsiya: The Last Successor
  • Al-Qaim: The One who Will Rise
  • Al-Gha’ib: The Hidden One

What will Imam Mahdi (p) look like? 

The Holy Prophet (phuh&hp) is reported to have said, “Al-Mahdi is from my children, his name is [like] my name, his agnomen is [like] my agnomen. He is the most similar to me in my appearance and my character.”3

Imam al-Baqir (p) is also reported to have narrated from his father as saying that Imam Ali (p) once said on the pulpit, “From my progeny at the end of time, a man will appear, whose face is reddish-white, whose chest is broad, with strong shoulders and two moles on his back: one with the color of his skin and the other like that of the Prophet.”4

While different reports suggest that the mother of the Imam, Lady Narjis, is either a Roman prisoner or a north African bondswoman, stronger reports suggest the latter. It is reported to have been narrated by ​​Yazeed al-Kunaasee who said, “I heard Abaa Jafar Muhammad (p), he said: ‘Verily, the master of this affair in him is the resemblance of Yusuf  (p), he is the son of a black bondswoman, and God will reform his affair in one night.”’5

Does Imam Mahdi (p) have children?

Some have referred to narrations and hadith to speculate about the potential wives and children of Imam al-Mahdi (p). However, the sources are regarded as weak and untrustworthy. The fact is that the personal details of the Awaited Savior have not been revealed to us, and thus any claims of marital or familial connection to the Imam should be dismissed.

Who is Imam Mahdi (p) according to the Quran? 

Many seek to understand who Imam Mahdi (p) is according to the Quran. While direct references to Imam Mahdi (p) are not found in the Quran, there exist verses that, according to hadith from the Ahl al-Bayt, can be applied to him (p). There are certain verses which seemingly  allude to his reappearance, uprising, occultation, and leadership.

One such verse is where God states, “You will not attain virtue until you spend what you love” (Quran 3:92). It is reported that Imam Jafar al-Sadiq (p) says, “It (i.e., spending of good) is the annual connection to the Imam, however much it may be, and I want for you to be purified by it.”6 We must fulfill our requirement by paying Khums and giving alms on his behalf.

 In another verse, God states, “Wherever you are, God will bring you all together”(Quran 2:148). It is reported that Imam Jafar al-Sadiq (p) said this verse pertains to the companions of Imam Mahdi (p).7

It is also reported that Imam al-Baqir (p) further elaborated that it refers specifically to the 313 companions who will swiftly gather around Imam al-Mahdi (p) and pledge their allegiance to him in an instant.8 Some narrations say that when he reappears, he will recite verse 86 from Chapter 11 of the Holy Quran, which says “I am Baqiyyatu Allah and his vicegerent.”9

Another significant Quranic reference is where God mentions that “He will certainly help those who, if given power in the land, will worship God through prayer, pay the religious tax, enjoin others to do good and prevent them from committing evil. The consequence of all things is in the hands of God”(Quran 22:41). Imam Baqir is reported to have said that this verse describes the companions of Imam Mahdi (p). Through them, Imam Mahdi (p) will establish Islam globally, ending injustice and oppression.10 

In conclusion, while Imam Mahdi (p) is not directly mentioned in the Quran, there are several verses that, according to interpretations from the Ahl al-Bayt, allude to his awaited appearance and mission. The verses discussed provide glimpses into the role and significance of Imam Mahdi (p) in establishing justice and guiding humanity towards righteousness. 

When will Imam Mahdi (p) come? 

Many have asked, when will Imam Mahdi (p) come? While we do not know the exact date, and traditions even point to the fact that we have been forbidden from suggesting we know the exact date and time of Imam Mahdi’s arrival, there are various signs reported in the traditions of Prophet Muhammad and the Imams that would indicate is imminent return.” Here are three of them:

  1. Devastating Wars 

A destructive force led by a bloodthirsty man named al-Sufyani will emerge in the Levant in the month of Rajab. He will send an army to Iraq, which will return after killing and causing great destruction. He will send another army to -Madīnah, but God will annihilate them between Mecca and Madinah.11

  1. Chaos, Conflict, Despair, and Frustration

The world will witness immense chaos and extreme differences between people. It will even envelope the believers to the extent that they will curse and disrespect each other. Moreover, a state of despair about the savior’s reappearance will become widespread, and people will say that he has died or been killed. The reappearance will then be near.12

  1. The Call Announcing His Reappearance

The angel Gabriel will call from the sky such that it will be heard by all people of the world in their own languages. This will occur before dawn on Friday the 23rd of the month of Ramadan. The angel Gabriel will declare, “O servant of God! Hear what I say. This is the Mahdi from the household of Muhammad emerging from the land of Mecca. Respond to [obey] him.”13

Where will Imam Mahdi (p) appear?

Many hadith and historical analyses have been done to understand and answer the question, where will Imam Mahdi (p) reappear? There is an overwhelming consensus that Imam Mahdi (p) will go towards the Kaaba and a voice will come from the sky letting everyone know that he has reappeared. He will then stand by Hajr al-Aswad, and call people toward faith and truth.14

How can I be in Imam Mahdi’s (p) Army?

To be a part of Imam Mahdi’s army, we must be true followers of Islam and the Ahl al-Bayt. One internal way to prepare is to reform ourselves. Imam Mahdi’s mission is to bring justice to the world by reforming it. It is said that “The slogan on al-Mahdi’s flag is al-bay‘atu lillah ( allegiance belongs to God).”15 In this way we need to evaluate our lives, do we have this outlook on life? Do our actions truly reflect devotion to God, or do we serve ourselves? To join Imam Mahdi’s (p) army, we will need to live by his slogan. During his occultation, let us reflect and refine our intentions. This ensures we stand ready, hearts aligned with his cause, when he calls.

Importance of Knowing Imam Mahdi (p)

In conclusion, understanding Imam Mahdi (p) is essential for every Muslim, as he symbolizes ultimate guidance and justice in Islam. Signs of his reappearance, such as devastating wars, global chaos, and a divine call, remind us to stay alert and spiritually prepared. By reforming ourselves and living with strong faith and devotion, we can aim to be part of Imam Mahdi’s (p) army, helping him bring justice and peace to the world. As we await his arrival, we must remain strong in our beliefs and be ready to serve the Imam of our time when the time comes.

1. Al-Sadouq. Kamal al-Deen wa Tamam al-Nimah, p. 315.
2. Al-Nu’mani. Kitaab al-Ghaybah, chapter 13, p. 228, hadith #8.
3. Al-Nu’mani. Al-Ghaybah, p. 187, chapter 10, hadith 30.
4. Al-Tusi. Al-Ghaybah, p. 198.
5. Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 23, p. 78.
6. Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 51, pp. 30, 95.
7. Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 52, pp. 237, 273.
8. Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 93, p. 216.
9. Ibn Hammad. Fitan, p. 98.
10.  Ibn Tawus. Malahim, p. 68.
11.  Noor al-Thaqalayn, vol. 2, p. 392.
12.  Yanabi‘ al-Mawaddah, p. 425.
13.  Ash-Shi‘ah wa’r-Raj‘ah, vol. 1, p. 210.
14.  Al-Ehtejaj, vol. 2, p. 449.
15.  10 Things You Didn’t Know About Imam Al-Mahdi (a). Accessed July 18, 2024.

For more information about Imam Muhammad al-Mahdi (p), click here.
(Click here to learn about varying dates for Islamic events.)

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