Wednesday, January 1st, 2020, marks the birth anniversary of Sayyida Zaynab bint Ali (p), 5th of Jumada al-Ula, 1441 A.H.

Imam Ali ibn al-Hussain (p) is reported to have said to his aunt, Sayyida Zaynab (p), “Praise be to God, for you are knowledgeable without being taught [by conventional means].”

(Shaykh al-Tabrasi, al-Ihtijaj, vol. 2, p.31)

روي عن الإمام علي بن الحسين عليه السلام [أنّه قال لعمّته زينب]

يا عمة أنت بحمد الله عالمة غير معلمة.

(الاحتجاج – الشيخ الطبرسي – ج ٢ – الصفحة ٣١)

For more information on Sayyida Zaynab bint Ali (p), click here.