Five Ways to Make the Most of the Ziyara of Imam Hussain (p)

The opportunity to visit Karbala isn’t something we should take lightly. Considering the distance, financial commitment, and necessary health involved, it truly is a great blessing. So anyone who is granted such success should try to make the most of it.
Hadith attributed to the Ahl al-Bayt (pbut) speak of the great rewards for pilgrims, including forgiveness of sins and the promise of Paradise for those who gain closeness to God by way of ziyara. For instance, Imam Sadiq (p) is reported to have said:
“Those who go to the ziyara of Hussain anticipating the rewards from God—without arrogance and ungratefulness, and without going to gain fame or to be seen by people—will be purified from their sins just as clothes are purified with water, such that no impurity will remain on them. With every step they take, a Hajj will be registered for them, and every time they lift their feet (to take a step), an ‘Umrah will be registered for them.” [Kamil al-Ziyarat, book 2, chapter 57, hadith #1]
Here are five ways to make the most of the visitation of Imam Hussain (p):
- Pre-journey preparation: Before departing from your home to embark on your pilgrimage, take the time to familiarize yourself with the life and character of the Imam (p) to understand his station in the eyes of God. Also make sure to seek forgiveness from your friends, family, and people you may have wronged in your life. Lastly, try to gain closeness to God through repentance and refraining from sins so that you are better prepared to receive spiritual blessings.
- Setting your intention: Identify your purpose and focus on the ultimate goal of visitation: gaining proximity to God by our love and adoration for the Prophet and his family (pbut). If we purify our intention, we have the opportunity to actualize the tradition of Imam al-Sadiq (p) when he reportedly referred to the visitation of Imam Hussain (p) as “the best of deeds”. [Kamil al-Ziyarat, book 2, chapter 58, hadith #1]
- Tending to your physical needs: We must take care of our physical bodies before and during our visitation. Many hadiths make clear to us the intimate connection between body and soul in Islam. So we should do our best to be well-nourished, hydrated, rested, and ready to turn our energy and attention to worship and reflection.
- Engaging in worship: While in the sacred land of Karbala, make the extra effort to participate in congregational wajib (obligatory) prayers, perform individual mustahabb (recommended) prayers, offer sincere dua (supplication), and remember God throughout your days. Ziyara is a great opportunity to speak to God and ask him for whatever you desire, large or small, with the Imam as your intermediary. In a report, Imam al-Sadiq (p) tells one of his companions, “No one establishes prayers next to [Imam Hussain] without God accepting it, and no one prays for anything next to him without it being fulfilled either immediately or in the future.” [Kamil al-Ziyarat, book 2, chapter 83, hadith #4]
- Self-Reflection: Being in close physical proximity to Imam Hussain (p) prompts deep reflection on the tragedy of Karbala, the sacrifices made by the Imam and his family, and their steadfastness and commitment to God in the face of such calamity. Take the time to evaluate your own actions, transgressions, and goals for your life in this world and the Hereafter. Still, you should remember to be hopeful, as you are in the presence of the man who accepted Hurr’s apology and the god who forgave him.
Your visitation to Imam Hussain (p) is an opportunity to reorient yourself in the way of God and His Prophet (pbuh&hp). It has the potential to be a transformative experience if you internalize the experience and commit yourself to the values of obedience to God, love for His worship, defending Islam, justice, and sacrifice that Imam Hussain (p) embodied so completely.
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