Martyrdom Anniversary of Imam Ali ibn Musa al-Rida (p), 1446 A.H.

Thursday, August 22nd, 2024 is the 17th of Safar which marks the martyrdom anniversary of Imam Ali ibn Musa al-Rida (p).
Imam Ali ibn Musa al-Rida (p) was martyred in a strange land by the caliph of the time, al-Mamun. In the years that followed, we see great emphasis placed on visiting the eighth Imam’s (p) shrine in traditions from the Ahl al-Bayt (pbut). A number of these narrations mention that the visitors of the shrine of Imam Rida (p) were very few in number. Alhamdulillah, today, millions of people visit the eighth Imam’s (p) grave every year in Mashhad.
Here are five hadith that mention the great merits of performing ziyara of the grave of Imam Rida (p).
- In his Amali, Shaykh Saduq narrates that Imam Jawad (p) said:
“If anyone visits my father (p) and is irritated by rain or cold or heat, God will forbid the fire [of hell] from touching his body.”
[Al-Amali, p. 752]
قال الجواد (عليه السلام): ما زار أبي (عليه السلام) أحد فأصابه أذىً من مطر أو برد أو حرّ، إلّا حرّم الله جسده على النار
- Shaykh Saduq writes that Imam Rida (p) reportedly said, “Whoever visits me in my distant land, I will come to them on the Day of Resurrection at three points to relieve them of its terrors: when the books are scattered to the right and left, at the bridge (Sirat), and at the scales (Mizan).”
[Man la yahduru al-faqih, v. 2, p. 584]
من زارني على بعد داري أتيته يوم القيامة في ثلاثة مواطن حتى أخلصه من أهوالها: إذا تطايرت الكتب يمينا وشمالا، وعند الصراط، وعند الميزان
- Imam Ali (p) is reported to have said:
“A man from my descendants will be unjustly killed by poison in the land of Khorasan. His name will be my name, and his father’s name will be the name of the son of Imran, Musa (p). Indeed, whoever visits him in his estrangement, God will forgive their sins, both past and future, even if they are as numerous as the stars, raindrops, and leaves on the trees.”
[‘Uyun akhbar al-Rida, v. 2, p. 258]
قال أمير المؤمنين (عليه السلام): سيقتل رجل من ولدي بأرض خراسان بالسمّ ظلماً، اسمه اسمي، واسم أبيه اسم ابن عمران موسى (عليه السلام)، ألا فمن زاره في غربته غفر الله ذنوبه، ما تقدّم منها وما تأخّر، ولو كانت مثل عدد النجوم وقطر الأمطار وورق الأشجار
- Shaykh Saduq writes that a man reportedly came to Imam Rida (p) and told him that he saw the Prophet (pbuh&hp) in a dream. The man said, “It was as if [the Prophet] said to me: ‘What will you do when a part of me is buried in your land, and you are entrusted with my trust, and my star is hidden in your soil?'”
Imam al-Rida (p) reportedly replied to the man, “I am the one who will be buried in your land, I am a part of your Prophet, I am the trust and the star. Indeed, whoever visits me while acknowledging the right that God Almighty has made obligatory upon him, I and my forefathers will be his intercessors on the Day of Resurrection, and whomever we intercede for will be saved, even if he carries the burden of both the jinn and humankind.”
[Man la yahduruhu al-faqih, v. 2, pp. 584-85]
وروى الحسن بن علي بن فضال، عن الرضا (عليه السلام)، أنه قال: قال له رجل من أهل خراسان: يا ابن رسول الله، رأيت رسول الله (صلى الله عليه وآله) في المنام، كأنه يقول لي: كيف أنتم إذا دفن في أرضكم بضعتي، واستحفظتم وديعتي، وغيب في ثراكم نجمي؟
فقال له الرضا (عليه السلام): أنا المدفون في أرضكم، وأنا بضعة من نبيكم، وأنا الوديعة والنجم، ألا فمن زارني وهو يعرف ما أوجب الله تعالى من حقي، فأنا وآبائي شفعاؤه يوم القيامة، ومن كنا شفعاؤه نجا، ولو كان عليه مثل وزر الثقلين الجن والإنس
- Imam Kazim (p) reportedly said to Sulayman ibn Hafs, “Whoever visits the grave of my son Ali (p) will be granted by God, the Almighty, the reward of seventy accepted Hajj pilgrimages.”
Sulayman then asked, “Seventy accepted Hajj pilgrimages?”
The Imam (p) reportedly then said, “Yes, and seventy thousand Hajj pilgrimages.”
“Seventy thousand accepted Hajj pilgrimages?” Sulayman asked.
The Imam (p) then reportedly said, “Indeed, there are Hajj pilgrimages that are not accepted. Whoever visits him or spends a night near him, it is as if they have visited God on His Throne.”
[Al-Kafi, v. 4, p. 585]
عن سليمان بن حفص المروزي، قال: سمعت أبا الحسن موسى بن جعفر (عليهما السلام) يقول: من زار قبر ولدي علي (عليه السلام) كان له عند الله عز وجل سبعون حجة مبرورة. قلت: سبعون حجة مبرورة؟ قال: نعم، وسبعون ألف حجة. قلت: سبعون ألف حجة مبرورة؟ قال: فقال: رب حجة لا تقبل، من زاره أو بات عنده ليلة كان كمن زار الله في عرشه.
For more information about Imam Ali ibn Musa al-Rida (p), click here.
(Click here to learn about varying dates for Islamic events.)
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