Statement of Condolence on the Passing of Shaykh Abd al-Amir Qabalan
Statement of Condolence from the Office of His Eminence Sayyid Al-Sistani (may God prolong his life) on the Passing of HI, Shaykh Abd al-Amir Qabalan (may his soul rest in peace)
In the Name of God, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful
“We are the servants of God and to Him we shall all return”
Quran (2:156)
It is with great sadness and regret that we received the news of the passing of His Eminence Shaykh Abd al-Amir Qabalan, head of the Supreme Islamic Shia Council in Lebanon, whose pure soul ascended to its Creator after a blessed life of continuous service and giving for the sake of his religion and his country and striving to serve the people, fulfill their needs, and bring them together.
We express our most sincere condolences to his respected family, the esteemed scholars and all the believers in Lebanon for this great loss.
We ask Almighty God, the All-Powerful, to bless the deceased with the vastness of His mercy and raise him with his masters Prophet Muhammad and his purified progeny (pbut), and grant his family and followers patience and solace. There is no strength or power but with God Almighty.
Office of al-Sayyid al-Sistani – The Holy City of Najaf
27 Muharram al-Haram 1443 A.H.
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