The Importance of Teachers in Islam

On this blessed occasion of World Teachers’ Day (October 5th), we reflect on the profound value of teachers and their pivotal role in shaping the future of our communities. Islam places great emphasis on education and the role of the teacher, viewing them as guides who illuminate the path of knowledge for humanity. As God states in the Holy Quran, “He [God] is the One who raised among the unlettered people a Messenger from among themselves, reciting to them His verses, purifying them, and teaching them the Book and wisdom, although they were before in manifest error” (Surah al-Jumuah, 62:2).

This verse highlights the role of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh&hp) as a teacher for all of humanity, sent to instruct and guide people with divine wisdom. The Prophet (pbuh&hp) was not merely a conveyor of information but a model teacher, instilling ethics, compassion, and justice in his followers.

Sayings of the Prophet and Imams (p) on Teachers

There are narrations that speak directly to the esteemed position of teachers. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh&hp) said, “The best of people is the one from whom others benefit” (al-Saduq, Ikhtisas, p. 243).
Teachers undoubtedly fall into this category, as they shape the intellect and character of future generations. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh&hp) emphasized respecting those who impart knowledge: “When you learn a letter from someone, you become their servant” (Majlisi, Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 77, p. 167).

This highlights the profound respect students should have for their teachers, acknowledging that knowledge is one of the greatest gifts bestowed upon a person. Imam Sadiq (p) similarly taught: “Be humble towards those from whom you learn knowledge” (al-Kafi, vol. 1, p. 36).
These hadith emphasize the high status of teachers in Islam and the importance of respecting and honoring them.

Recommendations for Honoring Teachers

  1. Express Gratitude: Teachers deserve our deepest appreciation for their hard work and dedication. Offering prayers, kind words, and gifts of gratitude are ways to honor them in both this life and the Hereafter.
  2. Support Their Growth: Encourage continued learning for our educators, just as they encourage the learning of their students. Support their further studies, workshops, and programs to help keep teachers inspired and effective.
  3. Promote Respect for Teachers: Communities should cultivate an environment of respect for educators. Publicly acknowledging their contributions during religious gatherings and events reinforces the honor due to them.
  4. Make Dua for Teachers: Constantly include teachers in your prayers, asking God to grant them strength, patience, and wisdom in their noble endeavors.

On this World Teachers’ Day, let us elevate the status of our educators not just through words, but through actions that demonstrate our reverence for their role in shaping our future. It is narrated that Prophet Muhammad (pbuh&hp) said, “O God! Forgive the teachers, prolong their lives, and bless their earnings.” (al-Khatib al-Baghdadi, Tarikh Baghdad, vol. 3, p. 64, quoted from Ibn Abbas).

 In following the Prophet’s tradition, let us also pray for teachers. May God bless all teachers, past and present, with His mercy and grant them the highest ranks in this world and the Hereafter. Ameen.

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