Money Matters

What do I do if I gave my khums to an unauthorized person?

In a previous year, I contributed the sahm as-sadah of my khums to a scholar for one of his many...

Can I give and take interest from a non-Muslim bank in India?

I would like to know about the rulings of interest in a non-Muslim country like India. Can I give and...

When must khums be paid on my IRA?

When do I pay khums on my IRA? Khums is only due once on a given amount. Therefore, the person...

Are option trading in the US stock market is it halal or not?

Are option trading in the US stock market is it halal or not? For a business transaction to be lawful,...

Is it permissible to take interest from non-Muslims in the West?

According to Sayyid Sistani, it is permissible to take interest (meaning charge interest) from non-Muslims. Does this include ALL of...