Physical Purity

Are leather shoes pure?

1) Is it our responsibility to call the customer service to find out if shoes made in non-Muslim countries are...

Does the floor on which I wash my impure feet become mutanajjis?

If I wash my feet, which have become mutanajjis (i.e., najis has come in contact with them with wetness), does...

Are my clothes considered impure if water from najis ground splashed on it?

Water from a tap or pipe connected to a motor was falling on najis ground and some droplets of this...

Can water be considered impure?

Can water itself be counted as a mutanajjis? For example, my nail was bleeding, and some water got under the...

Is water splashing from the toilet najis?

Is water from toilet that has feces najis? Because sometimes when the stool drops into the toilet, water splashes on...