
What time can we start eating on the Day of Ashura?

What is the right time in the afternoon when one can resume eating on the day of Ashura after observing...

Can we say Almhamdulilah before reciting the tashahud?

1) I did wudhu and was satisfied with it before prayers, but during prayers I felt there was some debris...

What falls under the category of extravagance (israf)?

What falls under the category of extravagance (israf)? Does the purchase of games, or gaming consoles count as israf? Does...

Can I apply henna to my hair while fasting?

Can I apply henna to my hair while fasting? Yes, it is permissible to apply henna while fasting

Can I pray with dog or cat hair on me?

I recently bought a used car from a dealer but afterward discovered animal hairs on the seats that are difficult...