
Does khums apply on proceeds of selling property?

I sold a property, do I have to pay khums on the proceeds of the sale? If I buy a...

Can I pay my khums to a needy person I know?

Is it permissible to give the sahm as-sadah portion of my yearly khums to my needy brother who is a...

Can I directly give my khums to a needy person I know?

I am Syed and my brother is a medical student, and he does not have a job/income. He pays for...

Can I give my khums to a poor Sayyid I know?

I know someone in India who is widow and very poor Syed, can I send them my full khums money?...

Can I give khums to my sister for her down payment to buy a house?

Can I give khums to my sister to make a down payment so she can afford to buy a house?...