
Is it permissible to eat food from a restaurant owned by a non-Muslim?

Is it permissible to eat food from a restaurant owned by a non-Muslim?It is permissible to eat food other than...

Is it permissible to eat meat without knowing if it was slaughters Islamically?

Is it permissible to eat meat of a religiously edible animal (e.g., cow) bought from a shop whose owner’s religion...

Is the meat of a kangaroo and a wallaby halal?

Is the meat of kangaroo muhallal? What about the meat of wallaby? It is not permissible based on obligatory precaution.

Can we eat Kosher meat?

Can we eat Kosher meat products? An animal that is permissible to eat (muhallal) must be slaughtered by a Muslim...

How is meat confirmed if its Halal or not?

I have come across a halal meat company whom I emailed and who sent me their halal certificate, which was...