
Is khums due on burial sites?

I purchased a burial site in Karbala for $5000, do I have to pay khums on it? If a year...

If I buy an airline ticket before my khums due date, but travel after it, do I pay khums?

If I purchase an airline ticket prior to the due date for my khums, but the travel will occur after...

How is khums paid on unused household items?

Can I pay a lump sum of khums for miscellaneous household stuff by having intention to pay for all things...

Is there a date one must assign for Zakat?

Does a person have to decide on a date for zakat just like khums (i.e. December 31st, for example)? If...

Do I have to pay khums if my parents live with me?

If I live with my parents, am I still obliged to pay khums? If you do not have an earned...