Is it permissible to work at a bank?
I work for a bank. My job is on a small team that receives requests to conduct focus groups ,update...
Is it permissible to work for credit card companies?
Is it permissible to work as a full-time employee for credit card companies? If not, is it permissible to have...
Is it permissible to own a transport company which delivers food?
Is it permissible to own a transport company which delivers food to customers like fast-food chains? The company has no...
Is it permissible to work as a financial lender for a non-Muslim bank?
Is it permissible to work as a financial lender for a non-Muslim bank or entity that gives out funds to...
Is it permissible to eat foods cooked by Hindus?
I am a strict hijabi woman, but unfortunately, I am not getting any jobs due to the hijab. What is...