
Do I have to make up missed prayers and fast due to ignorance?

What is the ruling on prayers and fasts missed out of ignorance by a duty-bound person, male or female, in...

What is our duty to Imam Mahdi (p)?

What are your eminence’s guidelines for believers regarding their duty towards Imam al-Mahdi (may God hasten his return)? The best...

Is it permissible to grow fingernails and use nail polish?

Is it permissible for women to grow their nails long? What is the ruling on using nail polish, glitter, beads...

Do facial cosmetics invalidate wudhu?

Are facial cosmetics for women or moisturizing oils for the skin an obstacle to the validity of ablution (wudhu) or...

Is it permissible for women to lead prayers?

Women often gather for various religious and general activities during which the time for prayer falls. They wish to perform...