
Can we perform prayers in clothing that has pictures of animals?

Can we perform prayers (salat) in clothing that has pictures of animals? It is permissible to pray with clothing that...

Is it permissible to seek intercession from Sayyida Fatima (p)?

Is it permissible to perform a recommended prayer in which the person asks Allah to fulfill their need through Sayyida...

Is tatbir permissible?

Is tatbir (i.e., self-flagellation as a commemoration of Imam Hussain’s martyrdom) allowed? If it is not allowed, then what is...

Can I pray dhuhr and asr prayers separately?

When performing ghusl or wudhu, I often have many doubts about completing specific parts or whether I have done them...

When does ihram end during hajj?

When does ihram end during Hajj? Is it after tawaf an-nisa? Taqseer or shaving the hair ends the state of...