Food & Drink

Is it permissible to drink Kambucha?

Kombucha is a healthy probiotic drink. Is it permissible to drink it in daily life? A number of reports indicate...

Is it permissible to sell seafood to others?

Is it permissible to sell all kind of seafood to our sunni brothers? One should avoid selling unlawful to eat...

Is it allowed to carry alcohol?

How come it is permissible to lift a bed with a sick person and push a baby carriage with a...

Am I responsible to save other’s belongings from being robbed?

If an evil person wants to rob a person and take his bag, but inside the bag is alcohol and...

How is meat confirmed if its Halal or not?

I have come across a halal meat company whom I emailed and who sent me their halal certificate, which was...