Food & Drink

Is grain vinegar halal?

I noticed a lot food products sold in the West contain vanilla extract, grain vinegar/wine vinegar, and barley malt. Are...

Is it permissible to wash utensils in which alcohol is served with?

Is it permissible to work at a restaurant where I have to clean glasses with alcohol in them and occasionally...

Can I eat yogurt with gelatin?

If you don’t know where a yogurt brand sources its gelatin from, is it permissible to eat? If the yogurt...

Can I eat kosher food?

I am a convert to Islam from Judaism. My family is observantly Jewish- keeping kosher, praying regularly, observing the holidays,...

Is it permissible to carry a bag which has alcohol in it?

Is it permissible to carry a bag that has alcohol in it? It is not permissible to carry the bag...