Food & Drink

Is it permissible to use a medication that contains non-halal ingredients?

Is it permissible to use a medication that contains non-halal ingredients? It is not permissible, unless there is no other...

Is glycerine in fish oil halal?

Is glycerine in fish oil halal? Glycerine (E422) / Glycerol: Used as a solvent or humectant (maintains the desired level...

Is gelatin halal?

Is gelatin halal? Products that contain gelatin can only be consumed in the following circumstances: 1) The source of gelatin...

Is meat slaughtered using machines halal?

What is the ruling on the halal meat in America, if it is slaughtered using machines and the Bismillah and...

Can I eat meat from non-Muslim store who claim it is Halal?

Should I believe that meat is halal if it is sold in a store that is owned by a non-Shia...