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Due to pain in my knees, my doctor recommends that I take SUPARTZ injections, which supplements hyaluronan in degenerating knees. These injections contain chicken comb extract. Is this permissible? These injections are very common and a lot of people use them for treatment.


Based on the details mentioned in the question, the answer is yes, it is permissible.

  • medicine
  • permissibility
What is your question?

Is Khums due for a gift received from your parents in the form of cash?

If so, do you have 1 year from the date you received the cash gift before Khums is due upon it or would it be due on your set Khums date? For example, you got the cash gift on 5/31 and your yearly set Khums date is 6/1.


If you have a set Khums date because you have a job, then on that date you must take out the Khums of the cash gift you received if it is still in your possession. If you have no job then you can count a separate khums year date for this particular gift, like the day you owned it.

  • gifts
  • permissibility
What is your question?

As per chapter 7, verse 204 of the Holy Quran: "Whenever the Quran is recited (to you), listen to it quietly so that you may receive mercy."

1) Does this mean it is wajib (obligatory) for a person to remain silent when someone is reciting the Holy Quran (in Arabic)?

2) Does the same apply if a recording of the Holy Quran is played (in Arabic)?


It is not obligatory to listen to the Holy Quran when it is recited, although it is recommended.

  • beliefs
  • obligation
  • quran
What is your question?

How do I know if I am required to pay zakat al-fitrah (i.e. I am financially able to)? If I have an income and expenses, and during the year I pay my bills and I have debt from different things (car, etc.). Despite this debt nobody would say that I am poor. How do I decide?

Also, who is considered a dependent?


The religious criteria for considering a person poor is that they do not have an adequate amount, which might be available in full [at any given time] or is gradually attainable throughout the year, to live for a whole year in a manner suitable for their socioeconomic status. Thus, according to Islam they are those people who are not able or cannot afford to fulfill their minimum needs of daily life like food, clothing, residence, or medical health. Zakat al-Fitrah is obligated on those who are not needy/poor.

A dependent is anyone who does not have their own income and must rely on someone else financially. Hence, they are the responsibility of a parent, guardian, spouse or sponsor, as in the case of an orphan, for their living necessities (i.e. they are in the person’s care).

For more details about Zakat al-Fitra, please see this link:

  • debt
  • money
  • zakat fitrah
What is your question?

Q1. I am not fasting due to illness. I am divorced and my three young kids live with me half the time and the other half with their mother. I don’t know who will be with me the day or eve of Eid. How do I know if zakat al-fitrah is obligatory for me and do I have to pay it for all four of us or not?

Q2. Is it obligatory to pay zakat al-fitrah to the poor Muslim people in my city and country or can I send to the poor in my home country? If it is obligatory locally, how do I do that?

Q3. How do I calculate the fidyah I need to pay for last year’s month of Ramadhan and this year’s missed fasting and where should I send it?


A1. Zakat al-fitrah is obligatory on the person who is able (i.e. they are not needy/poor as defined by Islam), and in charge of caring for the children and providing them with shelter and living accommodations during the night of Eid. For example, if they were with their mother and they were considered her dependents for the night of Eid she is obliged to pay it.
For more details about zakat al-fitrah please see this link:

A2. Based on obligatory precaution zakat al-fitrah must be disbursed to needy people in your locality, however, I.M.A.M. offers this service and helps the needy locally. You can pay your zakat al-fitrah via the following:

A3. Fidyah is a compensation paid for not being able to fast. It is to feed one poor person for each day of fasting that was missed [due to a valid excuse]. Thus, the one who is incapable of fasting the entire month offers thirty (or twenty-nine depending on how many days were in the month in that year) meals to the poor. According to Islamic law, it must be the equivalent of at least 1.65 lbs. (750 grams) of wheat, rice or dates.

To read more about fidyah please see this link:

To pay your fidyah you may use this link:

  • fidyah
  • medical condition
  • zakat fitrah
What is your question?

Is white (kaolin) clay permissible to use for sajdah in prayers?


It is permissible to pray on that clay as long as it is natural (from earth).

  • permissibility
  • sajdah
What is your question?

There is a nail polish company that has provided a certification claiming that wudhu is permissible while wearing its nail polish if the nails are rubbed for 10 seconds under water prior to doing wudhu. The company name provides the water permeability test results on their website. Is it permissible to do wudhu with this kind of product?


If the nail polish does not prevent water from reaching the nails it does not affect wudhu, however, determining if this is in fact the case is the responsibility of the person themselves and the person cannot rely on the permeability test of the company as proof. We do not know of any nail polish that is permeable to water such that it would be permissible during wudhu.

  • cosmetic products
  • nailpolish
What is your question?

Since inserting an intrauterine device (IUD), a woman has been bleeding for 4 days. Is this considered a menstrual period? My last period was 2 months ago and we are in the month of Ramadhan so I need to know if I should be fasting or not.


If your bleeding continued for three days without a long interval of no bleeding then it is considered a menstruation, hence you should not pray or fast as long as the blood continues up until the tenth day [of menstruation]. However, please note that if the bleeding is solely due to injury from inserting the IUD then it is not considered menstruation.

  • menstruation
  • ramadhan
  • women
What is your question?

When cooking while fasting, is it allowed for a person to taste the food and quickly wash their mouth right after?


It is permissible to taste the food as long as you do not swallow it.

  • food
  • permissibility
What is your question?

Is it permissible to get a yearly physical exam if it entails the doctor checking the private parts? Considering this is done to detect any problems before they become serious. I know this is allowed if it is absolutely necessary, when there is an existing medical condition, but what about as a preventive measure like mentioned above.


If not checking the private parts poses a possible harm that is unbearable it is permissible to have a doctor check them.

  • non mahram
  • non muslim
  • patient